Empfehlungen an Singapur zur Menschenrechtslage

Alle vier Jahre wird jeder Mitgliedstaat der Vereinten Nationen einer Menschenrechtsüberprüfung, dem Universal Periodic Review (UPR), unterzogen. Im Mai steht neben anderen Staaten Singapur auf der Tagesordnung. Sie finden hier die Empfehlungen von Amnesty an die Regierung von Singapur.


Suggested recommendations to States under review in the 38th session of the UPR Working Group, 3-14 May 2021
Index: IOR 40/3940/2021 28 March 2021
Recommendations to the government of Singapore
The national human rights framework
▪ Ratify international human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights and its Optional Protocols, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights and its Optional Protocol, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the International Convention for the
Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and implement them fully into national
▪ Promptly accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and implement it fully
into national law.
▪ Establish a National Human Rights Institution in line with the Paris Principles.
The death penalty
Pending full abolition of the death penalty:
▪ Establish an official moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty.
▪ Bring provisions in national legislation that allow for the use of the death penalty in line with
international human rights law and standards, including by removing the mandatory death
penalty and restricting the scope of this punishment to intentional killing.
▪ Ensure rigorous compliance in all death penalty cases with international fair trial standards,
including by ensuring those facing the death penalty have legal representation from the time of
▪ Regularly publish full and detailed information, disaggregated by gender, age, offence,
nationality and ethnic background, about the use of the death penalty which can contribute to a
public debate on the issue.
Freedom of expression
▪ Amend or repeal the Sedition Act, the Administration of Justice Act, the Protection from Online
Falsehoods and Manipulation Act and all other legislation that unduly restricts the right to
freedom of expression to ensure that they comply with international human rights standards.
▪ End the intimidation and harassment of human rights defenders, social media users and
government critics, including through the misuse of the criminal justice system, and ensure
human rights defenders can carry out their work without fear of reprisals.
Freedom of association and peaceful assembly
• Revise or repeal the Public Order Act and relevant sections of the Penal Code to allow peaceful
demonstrations without undue restrictions, and to guarantee the right to peaceful assembly to all
people in Singapore, without discrimination.
• Repeal all laws and regulations that impose an authorization requirement prior to the holding of
public demonstrations and ensure that organizers are not penalized for the mere act of
organizing peaceful assemblies.Suggested recommendations to States under review in the 38th session of the UPR Working Group, 3-14 May 2021
Index: IOR 40/3940/2021 29 March 2021
Access to COVID-19 diagnostics, treatment and vaccines
▪ Fulfil the obligation to international cooperation not only by continuing to support COVAX,
including by providing additional funding, but also by other forms of cooperation to ensure that
COVID-19 health products are accessible to the maximum number of people and avoid solely
bilateral agreements that would undermine vaccine availability for other states.
▪ Support C-TAP and promote open and non-exclusive licences for COVID-19 health products that
include technology transfer, with full public disclosure of all terms and conditions, to ensure
that the product is available, accessible and affordable to the maximum number of people.
▪ Make transparency and collaboration with C-TAP a condition of any public funding provided for
research and development of COVID-19 health products.
▪ Assess and make any necessary adjustments to intellectual property laws, policies and practices
to ensure that these do not form a barrier to COVID-19 health products for all people globally.
• Respect the spirit of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (2001)
by supporting initiatives that increase access to COVID-19 health products, such as the
proposed WTO TRIPS waiver.
▪ Ensure national and international criteria to guide the allocation of vaccines are consistent with
human rights standards, pay attention to the needs of marginalized groups, and reflect the
WHO’s Equitable Allocation Framework. Civil society should be represented in any national and
international decision-making processes.
Climate crisis and human rights
▪ Support the recognition by the UN of the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable
▪ Continue to support the establishment of the mandate of a UN Special Rapporteur on Human
Rights and Climate Change.
In compliance with its obligations under human rights law to protect human rights from the adverse
effects of the climate crisis:
▪ Adopt a more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and long-term emission
reduction strategy, which would align Singapore’s emissions reduction targets for 2030 and
2050 with the imperative to keep global average temperature increase below 1.5°C above preindustrial levels.
▪ End fossil fuel subsidies by 2025 at the latest and phase out fossil fuels use and production as
soon as possible and by 2050 at the latest, ending production and use of most polluting fossil
fuels and forms of production, such as coal and fracking as soon as possible and no later than
2040; and immediately developing concrete long-term plans for a just and sustainable transition
to human rights-consistent renewable energy.
▪ Ensure the NDC and climate laws and policies include a commitment to reduce emissions from
all sectors, including extra-territorial emissions, and to cease overseas fossil-fuel financing. In
international climate negotiations, reject any multilateral mechanisms for carbon trading that do
not lead to genuine emission reductions and do not include human rights safeguards.
▪ Establish regulations and policy measures to ensure that businesses reduce emissions across
their operations and value chains as soon as possible and by at least 45% by 2030 compared to
2010 levels and to zero before 2050, in line with the scientific findings of the IPCC.
▪ Ensure that any COVID-19 response measures facilitate the transition away from fossil fuels and
towards human rights-consistent renewable energy and a zero-carbon economy and also provide
for greater social protection and the creation of green and other new jobs that deliver sustainable
and decent employment for all workers without discrimination of any kind.Suggested recommendations to States under review in the 38th session of the UPR Working Group, 3-14 May 2021
Index: IOR 40/3940/2021 30 March 2021
▪ Adopt and implement human rights-consistent adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures
and policies that will adequately protect people from the foreseeable and unavoidable impacts of
the climate crisis.
▪ Consider providing funding and support for human rights-compliant measures to tackle the
climate crisis in less wealthy countries.
▪ Ensure access to domestic and international administrative, judicial, legislative or any other
appropriate means to adjudicate claims of human rights violations resulting from climate change
or climate-related projects and measures, including when conduct within their jurisdiction harms
the rights of people outside their borders.
▪ Respect, protect and fulfil the right to information, participation and to effective remedies, as
well as to freedom of expression and assembly, in the design, planning, implementation and
monitoring of all climate policies and strategies, particularly ensuring the participation of
marginalized groups.
weiterführende Unterlagen im Originaldokument

16. April 2021